Yassin is undoubtedly one of the great surahs of the Qur’an; its reading is considered to be highly beneficial and spiritually rewarding. It is important to memorize the entire surah; it is also important to read it as often as one can, and more especially, while attending those who are nearing death.
Being very familiar to the felda settlement scene, Yassin recitation ceremony is often conducted in the community....Be it once a week, monthly basis....The residents take turn to organize the ceremony at their home... I'm sure many of you have done this countless times.... Just a sharing how the ceremony was done at my in-law's place...
It was held last Friday morning..... This event was meant for women from the same block (felda settlement is divided into blocks, a block may varies on numbers of houses, in my in law's cases, the block contains around 24 houses.) Usually, food is served after the Yassin recitation but it is not compulsory..It really depends on the house owner.... my SIL made mee rebus that day....
Yassin recitation |
Abundance of food |
Usually, people do not come empty-handed...They bring along kuih, puddings and even packets of sugar to give to the house owner..... That's what makes the abundance of food... They can even tapau the extra food to bring home..
Eating time..... |
Till then.....
sedapnya nmpk mee rebus tu:)
bagus tu , felda comunity still , practice this .....baca yassin ni baguih ..!! aku baca sendiri je ...
Bagus betul dapat berkumpul ramai-ramai macam ni. Zaman sekarang ni rasanya kalau duduk bandar memang kurang peluang nak hadiri acara macam ni.
baguis ler bce yaasin.. bkumpul2 ramai2 x saje dapat pahala dpt mgeratkan hubungan silratulrahim juga.
Salam intan.
Selain dibaca ketika menziarahi org yg nazak dan kematian surah Yassin juga selalunya dibaca secara berjemaah pada malam Jumaat... Ia juga bermanfaat utk menguatkan daya ingatan seseorg pelajar.. biasanya dibaca setiap kali sesudah solat maghrib.
Selain meraih pahala bacaan surah yassin secara berjemaah (mcm kt kawasan felda Intan tu) ia juga dapat mengeratkan ukhwah islamiyah sesama penduduk.
Eventho hanya bacaan Yaasin , tapi still terasa meriah je suasana tu .
@maya amir mmg sedap..esp resepi dr org yg mmg menjual mee rebus sendiri :)
@abg cik rata2 masyrakat felda masih praktis amalan ni...Alhamdulillah...
@Reena Onn kt bndar mmg kurang...ade certain2 taman perumahan yg ade aktiviti keagamaan camni...
@miss kecoh setuju!!!
@shameel Iskandar conclusion nye....bacalah yasin selalu kan?? :)
@Yan Ty majlis mcm ni mmg meriah di Felda....
Emm....sesekali ada mcm ni syok jugak kan Intan....boleh berkenal-kenalan!
@hainom OKje best cuma penat skit tuk sediakan makanan kalau xde org tolong....
abg x sempat mkn kuih2 tu la yang...mee rebus jerk...sedey...
kasi hotlink $$ satu
amboii! meriahnye makanan kat sini..
@kak nora mmg meriah..... dah kemana dh diet aritu..heheh
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