Feeling awkwardly romantic today....Maybe because i have celebrated my 5th wedding anniversary last Sunday.. actually my anniversary falls on 8th dec every year :) but we celebrated this year together with my doter's birthday which falls on 9th dec..yup ..she was born 2 years and 1 day after we get married :)
The celebration took place at my FIL's house...just a small feast inviting the neighbours around.... so as usual, my super duper chef, my SIL cooked curry mee as the main dish together with many many other foods.... yummmy....
Not to exaggerate more ..just take a look at the pics below...:)
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Some of the food prepared!!!!! Still thinking of my fav curry mee....yum yum... |
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Had doa selamat recital before the party begins!!! Small pic below: my nephew.Ikmal.. |
Then the peak event of the party....cake-cutting ......
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my adorable daughter wearing the gown her opah bought.... |
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Not to miss our chance,,,we also did the cake-cutting........ |
It was really fun that afternoon....planning to make this as annual tradition..hehheh.......Just a wish for my growing daugter, Nurqaseh Qalesya...
Have we told you before that we are the proudest parents in the whole world? Have we told you before that we are the happiest parents in the whole world? Have we told you before that we are the most satisfied parents in the whole world? And have we told you before that you are the best daughter in the whole world? Wishing you a super duper Happy Birthday dear Nur Qaseh Qalesya!!!
Till then....
Till then....
Happy 5th Anniversary Intan... And Happy 2nd Birthday to Qalesya...
Intannnnnn...... hepy anniversary ...untuk awak berdua semoga kekal hingga ke syurga...
Dan hepy bezday jugak utk Qalesya semoga menjadi anak yg solehah.,.
Sangat setuju dgn cinta....
thanks my fren....miss u all...tq wish kat family saya....amin....n to my luve honey...i luv u so much....MAy Allah alwaz bless us...amin....mmmuaaahhh syg....
ko beli dua kek ke? tak segan pulak qalesya potong kek sorang2?
@isda tq isda.....
@hainom OKje tq okje.....sekejap je masa berlalu kan...tup2 anak dh besar dah...
@intan izani yup..satu kek x cukup tuk suma org..... qalesya malu2 kucing gak..tp dia suka sgt....hehheh
Happy anniversary , and happy besday , wish u good luck
Cute nye Qalesya
cuti sekolah ni...tak boleh post entri byk2 ke? he..he..
sayang nya nk potong kek yg comel tu. meriah betul2! rindu gathering dgn family2 kat Penang.
@abg cik tq abg cik...
@hainom OKje xde idea la okje...lgpun bz gak melayan ragam anak2 ni...heheh.... kje anak besar2..dh kurang ragamnye...:)
@Yan Ty tule..syg gak nk potong..tp xkn nk tgk je kan??heheh..
mmg best bile wat gathering ngan famili cmni...
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