Controlling your lust over food when buying or cooking for iftar (break fast) is something many worry about... especially on the very first day of ramadhan we tend to actively looking for bazaar ramadhan to indulge the rest of the vices in....and that includes me..... just see what i have for break fast today.....
everything,,,, :) |
from bazaar |
venison made into masak lemak cili api..... nothing beats mom's cooking.... |
tomorrow, i have to cook on my own.. :( i'm enjoying myself tasting mom's cooking today while i'm at my hometown... got to go back tomorrow afternoon.. i promised to myself to be more in control in terms of iftar... :)
Alhamdulillah, Ramadhan Day #1 has just finished... day#2 is awaiting...InsyaAllah.....
meriah. sedapnye sambal petai dgn masak lemak ibu!!
Intan hometown kat ne?... eiii... ada my faberet kuih le...buah melaka... tapi OKje beli semalam sikit je gula melaka...
mmg marvellous....sori le ko jauh..x dpt nk anto... :)
Okje....hometown kat ulu tiram,johor...samela kite buah melaka mmg feveret,,
pergh..mmg terbaek ibu anknya x kurang hebat....ayg mmg pndai msak...ptg ni wat mihun yer....hehehe
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