Feeling bored staying at home.. As soon as i heard hubby got to attend and award ceremony at MPOB headquarters, bangi.. Btw, Mr hubby was awarded with excellent service award... Congratulation, sayang.... (Don't forget about my portion ye..)... My heart bloomed..hehhe.... that was the signal that i was waiting for.. a chance to flee from the routine at home...Yup, i tagged along....
We departed around 9 a.m last Sunday from home....After a few hours drive, we reached our first stop... Sungai wang plaza.. We parked our car there and walked to Low Yat Plaza...... Actually, we just wanted to see the famous plaza where people always say that we can buy the gadgets with remarkably low prices....and we ended up buying a cheap tab - produced locally.... just for qalesya to play games without having her to ask for my phone all the times!!!
the tab!! |
By the time we walked out of the plaza, its already 6 p.m. so we had our tea at the mamak's in front of the plaza ( I forgot the restaurant name)... and we headed to my aunt's at ULu Langat..we spent a night there...
Stay tune for day 2, k!!!
Till then...
wahhh seronoknya dapat tab baru qalesya ni..
mesti qaleesya suke tu:)
Intan okje walaupun duk KL, jarang gi low yat ni tau!!!
Wah seronoknya Qalesya... Dapat berapa RM intan kat situ?
Yeah , ada tab baru tu...cayalah!
@Mia Liana mmg x berenggang la dia ngan tab dia tu.....
@maya amir sgt suke...asyik nk main angry bird je....
@hainom OKje ni pun 1st time smpi low yat.... dpt rm250 plus sume apps n widgets.....
@Yan Ty yeah juge...:)
lama tak datang sini. sorry yer. Ni pun terjumpa kat komen hanif idrus. terus terjah sini.
congrate to your hubby for the award...
waaa.... bestnye... nak tab tu..nak nak!! huhu
u all nk tau...si qaseh ni smp x bg org len pkai la tab dia tu...sian kat ank2 makcik i...hehhe...konon2 dia terror la nk main...mcm2...hahaa....thanks wanti wish....alhamdulillah...rezeki family...amin...
@wantie tu la..lama juge x jnguk wantie so masuk dlm bloglist lg senang..:)
@miss kecoh ummi qalesya pun x dapat main tab tu.....anaknye conquer..heheh
beware , KL hari tu banjir kilat , trapped 1 jam ...
@abg cik tu la..mmg risau masa kt sana...huhu..sib baik xde pape..
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